family stories magic cards pokemon

jay p blog 07/17/24

I updated the list I keep of all the driving-distance-to-me North / Northern New Jersey stores that hold Magic the Gathering constructed weekly tournaments, or Pokemon weekly tournaments. I might add One Piece to the list at some point since my son Andrew plays it now. I leave off Magic non-constructed and Commander/edh since every single store holds those tournaments (aka those are easy to find.)

family stories link magic cards

jay p blog 07/15/24

My Magic the Gathering card decks that myself and my son play at Manifest Comics in Bayonne NJ.

I also play on MTGO, but those are all just meta decks (“netdecks”).

magic cards pokemon

jay p blog 07/09/24

I made Mythic in ranked best-of-3 standard on Magic Arena in April, and I made Ultra League in Pokemon TCG ranked last month.

magic cards midde earth

jay p blog 02/29/24

Happy Leap Day, and remember, “nothing that happens on leap day counts! real life is for march!”

I have been creating Magic the Gathering card decks to go along with my slow-read of the Tolkien Middle Earth series. They are hit-or-miss but very fun to pilot.

Hope all is well with you.